Dogwood, Redosier Cornus sericea
The Arbor Day Foundation
100 Arbor Avenue
Nebraska City, NE 68410

Toll Free: 888-448-7337

An upright, loose, multi-stemmed, broad-spreading shrub with horizontal branches at the base. The young stems are slender, very smooth, and red. The bark remains a deep red for some time finally turning gray-brown with a rough sandpaper like texture. This is a thicket forming shrub. The fibrous root system holds soil well for use as a bank cover. The foliage is green in summer, but varies in the fall from little color to reddish purple. The cream-white flowers appear in cymes in the spring producing dull white drupes in July to September. The redosier dogwood prefers full sun with an evenly moist soil, but has wide range of tolerance except for extremely dry conditions. Horizontal growth is slow. Pruning needs to be done only once a year. Periodic renewal of this shrub by cutting it back to the ground will allow the red color of the younger stems to show. Plant three to four feet apart for a hedge.

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