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Japanese Beetles


The Japanese Beetle: A Gardener’s Reference

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By Brad Sylvester Popillia japonica, commonly known as the Japanese beetle, can do a tremendous amount of damage to your flower and vegetable gardens and, surprisingly, to your lawn as well. Those READ MORE

Japanese Beetle

Votes:18 Comments:0
The adult is a colorful beetle 1/3 - 1/2 inch long with a shiny metallic green color and coppery brown wing covers. There is a row of five tufts of white hair along each side of the abdomen and two ad READ MORE

Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica Newman)

Votes:5 Comments:0
The Japanese beetle is a highly destructive plant pest that can be very difficult and expensive to control. Feeding on grass roots, Japanese beetle grubs damage lawns, golf courses, and pastures. Japa READ MORE

Japanese Beetle Control on Ornamental Plants

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Popillia japonica Newman The Japanese beetle causes extensive damage to ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers throughout eastern United States. Strategies to manage the larval and adult stages in the READ MORE

Stop Japanese Beetles

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Try these tips for preventing Japanese beetle damage in your garden. © Copyright 2012, Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved READ MORE
Japanese Beetles
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