Trees: Ulmus parvifolia Lacebark Elm
Scientific Name
Ulmus parvifolia

Common Name
Chinese elm; Lace bark elm

Plant Fact Sheets
Consumer Hort

Hardiness Zones: 4-9
Habit: Deciduous
Growth Rate: Moderate to rapid
Site Requirements: Sun; moist, well drained soil but tolerates poor soil
Texture: Medium to fine
Form: Rounded top; pendulous branches
Height: 40 to 50'
Width: 40 to 50'
Leaf: .7 to 2.5" alternate, simple leaves; yellowish to reddish purple fall color
Flower/Fruit: Not showy
Comments: Bark sheds leaving irregular spots of orange, gray, green, brown; tough durable tree; easy to transplant; good street tree; resistant to Dutch elm disease and air pollution; great variability among seedlings

Contact Information


© Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturalist Shoprights NC State University
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