Tree land Nursery - Dallas, Texas - Shumard Red Oak Tree
Tree land Nursery
1208 Sharp Road
Gunter, Texas 75058
Shumard Red Oak
Scientific Name: Quercus shumardii
Red Oak Tree MatureThe Shumard Red Oak is native to Texas and grows east of Ft. Worth to Texas’ border with Louisiana and Arkansas. The Shumard Red Oak is a large stately and majestic tree with a wide spreading canopy. Shumard Red Oak trees have a narrow and open habit when younger and as the Shumard Red Oak matures the canopy spreads becoming rounded. The Shumard Red Oak is a fast growing and high quality tree and when the Shumard Red Oak is established it is easy to maintain requiring moderate amounts of fertilizer and moisture. The Shumard Red Oak has 4 to 8 inch long leaves that are deeply lobed, 5 to 7 lobes, and have bristles on the tips of some lobes. The Shumard Red Oak has a glossy dark green leaf with a lighter green underside. The Shumard Red Oak puts on a vivid display of brilliant red to red-orange color in the fall. Younger Shumard Red Oak trees have a light gray bark that is smooth and as Shumard Red Oak trees mature their bark turns dark gray to black with ridges and furrows.
Common Names: Red Oak, Shumard Red Oak, Shumard Oak, Swamp Red Oak, Spotted Oak
Contact Information
Phone: (972) 569-7655
Treeland Nursery © 2009