Tent-Making Caterpillars
by W.S. Cranshaw1
Quick Facts...

Figure 1: Egg mass of western tent caterpillar.

Figure 2: Tent of western tent caterpillar.
Several species of caterpillars construct a silken shelter or tent.
In spring, tent caterpillars are common. After midsummer, the most common tent-making caterpillar is the fall webworm.
These insects attract attention due to the conspicuous tents. However, they rarely cause any significant injury. Greatest injury occurs from early season defoliation, particularly on stressed plants.
Many biological controls naturally regulate populations of these insects.
Several kinds of caterpillars feed in groups or colonies on trees and shrubs and produce a silken shelter or tent. Most common in spring are various types of tent caterpillars (Malacosoma species). During summer, large loose tents produced by the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) are seen on the branches of cottonwoods, chokecherry, and many other plants. Occasionally early spring outbreaks of caterpillars of the tiger moth (Lophocampa species) attract attention.

©2012 Colorado State University Extension
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