Take it Easy With Trees Damaged by Spring Freeze
By Laura Pottorff, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension agent, horticulture and plant pathology
"Why is my cottonwood tree losing its leaves in June?"
"My lilac's leaves have dark irregular dead areas on them. Is this a disease?
"I planted a honeylocust last fall. It leafed out nicely in April, but the leaves were killed by the late April freeze. No new leaves have emerged. How long should I give this tree?
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If you have similar questions about trees and shrubs, chalk them up to a late spring freeze.
When the weather is beautiful and warm in April, and homeowners begin to think about getting the porch furniture out, many trees and shrubs also sense summer in the air and begin to push out leaves.
How cruel of Mother Nature! Winter often returns in April and stays for a while. Temperatures can drop into the low 20's during the nights. While Rocky Mountain gardeners can go indoors, turn on the heat and pull up the covers, their plants are stuck with the cruel switch nature can play.
© CSU/Denver County Extension Master Gardener 2010
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