Sunburst Honey Locust
Fast Growing Trees Nursery
4475 Morris Park Dr. Ste. J.
Charlotte, NC 28227

Honey locusts were a staple landscape tree when I was growing up. Their spreading scaffolds and feathery foliage made great open shade and had an almost tropical look.

But those thorns and seed pods! They were truly trees to admire from a distance.

Today we have several of the improved Sunburst honey locust planted as lawn trees in our yard. They have so much going for them!

The fine, feathery foliage is still there, but now it shows a golden yellow all year long. In spring, the tree produces thick clusters of bright yellow flowers. And in fall there is almost no litter because the leaves are so small!

The Sunburst grows about two feet a year. It’s perfect for getting quick shade to open areas of the lawn. And it’s very tolerant of salt, making it a perfect street tree.

Best of all this beauty is thornless and podless. It’s a lot friendlier to folks strolling near by and to the gardener who cleans up the yard!

Contact Information

Phone: 704-945-9264
Toll Free: 888-504-2001

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