Southern red oak (Quercus falcata)
Southern red oak is a fast-growing species that is often used as a street-side landscape tree. Its large size and broad crown provide valuable shade.

The durable, coarse-grain wood of the southern red oak is used for lumber, flooring, and construction materials, as well as some furniture making. It is a significant source of timber in the southeastern United States. Southern red oak has a high heat value, making it a good fuel wood. It contains tannins that are used in a process to cure leather. The large size and solid root system of the tree make it useful in watershed protection. The trees help to maintain the stability of the surrounding soils. Many wildlife species, including squirrels, deer, wild turkey, quail, and numerous songbirds, feed on the acorns of the tree.

Twigs and leaves

Southern red oak is sometimes confused with turkey oak, since both have deeply lobed, bristled leaves. The southern red oak has a characteristic, bell-shaped leaf base, while turkey oak has a 'v' base, which reaches to the petiole.

While primarily found in the southeastern United States, the range of southern red oak extends from southern New Jersey and Ohio, south as far as north Florida and west to Oklahoma and Texas. It is rarely found in the northern Atlantic states.

Identifying Characteristics


Southern red oak is a fairly large tree which may grow from 70' to 80' tall and reach a diameter of 2' to 3'. It generally has a broad, open, well-rounded crown.


The leaves are simple, alternately arranged and tardily deciduous, with leaves persisting into the winter months. While various leaf types may be present, most are deeply lobed, with 3 to 5, bristle-tipped lobes per leaf. The middle, terminal lobe is upright, while the outer lobes are frequently long, narrow, and sickle-shaped. Leaves are dark, lustrous green and smooth on the upper surface, with yellowish hairs on the undersides. The leaf bases form an inverted- bell shape.


The fruit is a nearly globular-shaped acorn, about 1/2" long with a slightly hairy, saucer-shaped cup.


The bark is thick, dark, brownish-black and deeply furrowed, with small, pebbly scales.


Southern red oak grows best in dry, upland sandhills. It is often found in mixed hardwood stands or occasionally with pines.

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Acknowledgements: The development of this site was funded by the Florida 4-H Foundation and the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida.
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