Shumard Oak — Quercus shumardii
Oikos Tree Crops
PO Box 19425
Kalamazoo, Michigan 40019-0425
Fast Growing Red Oak Species
Often called the red oak for the south, shumard oak is found all the way into southern Michigan. One of the better red oak types for landscape situations, this species makes a nice ornamental with red fall color. Shumard oak has vigorous growth and easy to transplant. Three year old trees can grow to 6-8 ft. in Michigan. Usually found in the wild along streams and in moist soils near wetlands, this red oak can grow a straight trunk free of branches even under cultivation. Tolerates alkaline soils without iron deficiency. Height to 100 ft.
Contact Information
Telephone: (269) 624-6233
Fax: (269) 624-4019