Red-Tip Photinia Flowering Shrubs and Nursery Tree Seedlings
Empire National Nursery, LLC
6778 McPherson Clay Road
Liberty, NC 27298

Red-Tip Photinia - for Hedges & Screens

One of the most-asked questions we get has to do with which trees or shrubs to plant for privacy screens. Although there are many to choose from, we do like the Red-Tip Photinia in particular.
Very popularly planted in Oregon and California as hedges, the Photinia is a fast-growing dense shrub that is evergreen and attractive all year long. They grow best in full sun, and are hardy of hot dry conditions as long as they get extra watering.

Photinia belongs to the Rose Family (Roseaceae), and they grow best in warm climates with regular watering. Although hardy down to single digits (Zone 6), Photinia can become damaged with temperatures below 10-degrees. If they can be planted in a somewhat protected area, surrounded with a thick mulch layer before winter, they may get through the Zone 6 winters with minimal damage, but they do best in Zones 7 to 10.

There are several species and hybrids that are planted across the southern half of the country, and our favorite is the Red-Tip (Photinia xfraseri). The new growth is a bright red, then turns to a dark glossy green as the leaves mature. Photinia is a fast grower, and can form a very dense hedge, but this is best done with regular trimming. Plant these about 4 to 6 feet apart, or in multiple offset rows for screens and hedges.

These respond very nicely to trimming, so the more you trim them, the denser they become. One method of trimming is to let the shoots grow about a foot long, then cut them back about half (or six inches). Water and fertilize after each trimming to stimulate the new growth, and very soon the stems will be covered with new leaf buds. Let these new shoots grow, then trim them again. Depending on your season, you may get two to four opportunities to thicken the plants.

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