Newsgroups, Message Forums & RSS Feeds
Welcome to the Gardening Launch Pad! This list is friendly to the Home Gardener. Make The Gardening Launch Pad your starting point for all your electronic gardening needs. Links are added when ever I find them.
archived active horticultural mailing lists
aroid-l Araceae fans unite! About those spathed and spadixed wonders.
community_garden Email support to build and develop community gardens.
gardenurls New gardening URLs announced daily.
ferns Our fine-foliaged friends.
Message Forums are were you can post questions about your gardening problem or even brag about you 3 lb tomato. Much like Usenet.
Garden Stew Gardening forums and free blogs for gardeners everywhere. Also find garden photos, seed trades, and discussions about plants, flowers, pets, recipes, and hobbies.
Visit the Forum to discuss gardening topics, coordinate seed exchanges, or get help identifying a plant.
Space for Nature - wildlife gardening forum featuring galleries, news, and diaries for people who want to create a garden that will attract hoverflies, birds, and other important critters.
The Garden & House Plant Forum
UBC Botanical Garden discussion forums provide botanists, horticulturists, gardeners and other plant enthusiasts
The Helpful Gardener: Garden Forum A discussion forum for the home gardener.
Garden Stew Discussion forums on several gardening topics
Dave's Garden Forums
Hallson Gardens Forums Bulletin board for gardening subjects, including one for ponds and bogs.
Plant, Seed and Flower Exchange - Gardeners Trade Gardening Plants ...
Moosey's Country Garden Forums - Drop in for a cup of tea
Garden Express Garden Forums Garden-related forums catering for the novice and experienced gardener.
Farm & Garden Forums A Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Living Discussion Forum
EBG Garden Forums - Essential British Gardens - UK Gardens and Arboretums
Blossom Swap Forum
Bonsai Web Live and Learn Forum
The Garden Web Forums
Garden Talk from Dutchbulb.Com
Garden Web's IPM Forum
Insect Chat
Container Gardening Forum
RSS Feeds
WashingtonPost - Green Scene by Joel Lerner
UBC Botanical Garden Weblog This feed is an aggregate of the 7 most recent entries in the UBC Botanical Garden Weblog in all categories. On many pages of the UBC
Plant Conservation News and links about issues, successes and failures in plant conservation.
NY Times Home & Garden RSS News Feed
Gardening Question of the Day (from the Old Farmer's Almanac)
Gardening News Desk rounds up gardening related columns, newsfeeds, articles and blog entries from popular websites around the world and places them at your fingertips.
Contact Information
Email: jimparra at gmail dot com