Mockernut Hickery
Nature Hills Nursery, Inc.
3334 North 88th Plaza
Omaha, NE 68134
Mockernut Hickery Details:
Plant Facts
Mature Height
50 - 60 feet
Mature Spread
30 - 40 feet
Soil Type
Widely Adaptable
Widely Adaptable
Mature Form
Narrow, Broad, Round
Growth Rate
Sun Exposure
Full Sun - Partial Sun
Flower Color
Not Showy
Fall Color
Foliage Color
The Mockernut Hickory tree, Carya tomentosa, is also called a White Hickory, Whiteheart Hickory, Hognut and Bullnut.The gray bark of this tree is marked with branching ridges and deep furrows. Mockernut hickory is so named because the nuts are large but with thick shells and very small kernels. The twigs are stout and reddish-brown to grayish-brown in color. This tree grows well on rich, moist, well-drained soils of upland areas. Mockernut Hickory trees grow throughout most of the eastern United States and westward to eastern Texas.
It is most common in the southern part of its range. As with the Shagbark Hickory, the wood of this tree is hard, strong, tough and elastic, and is used in handles for tools and in athletic equipment. The unusually small kernels from the nuts are sweet and edible. It is long lived, sometimes reaching the age of 500 years. This and the other hickories are very desirable both for forest and shade trees.
Contact Information
Toll Free: (888) 864-7663
Phone: (402)934-8116
Fax: (402) 991-0778
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