Helping A Gardenia Bush With Yellow Leaves
By: Shari Armstrong

Gardenias are a beautiful plant, but they require a bit of maintenance. One problem that seems to plague gardeners is a gardenia bush with yellow leaves. Yellow leaves is a sign of chlorosis in plants. There are several causes for this. Trying to decide what the cause actually is can be a lot of trial and error.
What is chlorosis in plants

Chlorosis in plants simply means that the plant doesnít have enough chlorophyll. This can be caused by poor drainage, root problems, pH too high, or not enough nutrients from the soil, or a combination of all of these.
Too much water causing a gardenia bush with yellow leaves?

When you have a gardenia bush with yellow leaves, the first thing to do is check your soil for too much water. The gardenia needs moist soil, but not overly wet. Add some more compost to help it have a richer environment and be sure to set up proper drainage.
Wrong pH causing gardenia bush with yellow leaves?

Once you determine that water isnít the issue, you need to check the soilís pH balance. Soil pH for plants is an important issue, especially for gardenias. They require a pH between 5.0 and 6.5. The effects of soil pH level on plants will cause it to not be able to absorb minerals like iron, nitrogen, manganese, or zinc. This mineral deficiency is one of the major causes of chlorosis in plants.

It can be difficult to balance soil pH for plants. By adding the missing nutrients, you can help reduce yellow leaves on your gardenia. One method is to simply add the right balance of the missing nutrients to the soil around the plant (starting at about five feet away from the plant). Some people treat the leaves with a water solution of the missing nutrients, but this is a temporary fix, at best, as it helps the current foliage turn green again. It is better to adjust the soil pH for plants for long term health. Adding the nutrients directly to the soil, about three feet (or further) away from the plant where the roots sread out is another way to help eliminated yellow leaves.

A gardenia bush with yellow leaves is a common problem and can be very difficult to ultimately fix. If, after your best efforts, your gardenia still does not survive, donít be too hard on yourself. Even master gardeners with years of experience can lose gardenia bushes despite their best efforts. Gardenias are a beautiful but fragile plant.

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Gardening Know How
57 Wandle Ave
Bedford, OH 44146
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