Ground Bird Feeder: Preferred by Many
1. General Description

A ground bird feeder can be simply a patch of ground scattered with seed. The area should be open and visible to the birds, so they will be attracted to it.

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The ground itself will serve best for this purpose if it is a little sandy. The sandy soil will allow the rain water to drain away faster, which then lets the seed dry.

It is a good idea to rotate the site on a regular basis using 3 or 4 different locations. To prevent seed build up and disease a daily raking of the area is recommended.

The area chosen for a ground bird feeder should be five to six feet from a tree or bush. This is important for the birds so they have a refuge to flee to if a predator is spotted.

Shelter from the wind is also very important. The seed will be blown away and scattered far and wide if there is no protection. The birds will also need some protection from the wind, especially during inclement weather.

Pole mounted or hanging bird feeders inadvertently “supply” seed for ground feeding birds. This takes place during the usual feeding style of wild birds, by tossing out what they don’t like or by seed accidentally being pushed out.

Ground bird feeders can also be manufactured or homemade structures. They have some distinct advantages to just tossing seed on the ground. Although shelter from the wind and a refuge like a tree or bush, as mentioned above, are also very important factors for human made ground bird feeders.

Any raised flat surface, a foot off the ground is considered a ground bird feeder. Some additional features though, will greatly enhance the enjoyment and use of this type of feeder.

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Bird Feeders and Birdhouses You Can Build in a Day Book
Build a fine home for your feathered friends with more than 50 great projects! Birds of all feathers will be flocking to your backyard to live in the beautiful houses and dine in the unique feeders you can build in just a few short hours.

Step-by-step color photos and easy-to-follow instructions will guide you along the way.From the editors of Popular Woodworking.Softcover.128 pages.

Birdhouses You Can Build in a Day Book
Birdhouses You Can Build in a Day Book

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2. Features of a Good Ground Bird Feeder

* An edge about an inch above the flat feeding surface will help to keep the seed from blowing away.

* Leave the corners open on the edging to allow drainage and make cleaning easier when sweeping off surface.

* You can also cut the legs shorter on one side to slope the surface for better drainage. Or…

* You can drill holes in the feeding surface for allowing water to drain. Or…

* Window screening can be used for the flat seed surface. The screen allows the seed to air dry quickly. Aluminum window screens won’t rust either.

* The bigger the table surface, the more birds that will be attracted, especially the sociable ones like Finches.

* A roof that over hangs the seed table surface, will protect the seed from the elements and the wild birds from over head predators.

* Evergreens make excellent wind barriers and shelters. If natural shelter is not close by then a barrier can be erected.

To make a wind barrier attach fencing to a series of poles set in the ground. Cedar boughs can then be attached to the fencing.

* A shelter can also be erected with cedar boughs to cover the ground bird feeder area. Build a tripod or a “four pod” with sturdy branches, 3 to 4 inches wide, and lash them together at the top. Drape the top half of structure with fencing. Then attach cedar boughs on top of the fencing to form a roof. The seed can be scattered on the ground underneath.

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List of Styles

* The ground itself can simply be used as a “ground” feeder.

* Any raised flat surface, a foot off the ground, is a ground bird feeder.

* A flat surface, one foot off the ground, with a roof.

* The seed surface can be made of wood, metal, perforated metal or screen.

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3. Best Seed Choice for This Feeder

Corn, black oil sunflower seed, striped sunflower seed, white millet, buckwheat, sorghum or a type of sorghum, milo (the last three will be eaten by pigeons and gallinaceous birds - birds that nest on the ground and fly short distances.)

Cardinal image

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4. Positive Features

* A variety of birds will be attracted to a ground bird feeder that otherwise would not visit backyard bird feeders. Most Thrashers, Juncos and some Sparrows are very reluctant to come to bird feeders raised higher than a foot off the ground.

* Gallinaceous birds such as Grouse, Bobwhite, and Pheasants will be attracted to this style of feeder.

* Ground bird feeders are convenient and easy to maintain because of their low height.

* They can be swept off with no trouble and cleaned regularly.

* Ground feeders are effortless to reach for refilling.

* Wild birds are easy to view with this type of bird feeder, as there are no sides causing a barrier.

* A seed surface made of metal or screen is easy to clean and therefore healthier for the wild birds.

* Perforated metal or screen seed surfaces allow the seed to dry quickly.

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5. Problem Features

* Bird seed left on the ground too long in warm weather, with birds walking on it and defecating on it, can pose a serious health problem to wild birds.

* Wind can cause the seed to be wasted by blowing it away.

* In snowy regions seed can be covered with snow, buried and lost.

* Wild birds can be very vulnerable to predators while feeding so close to the ground.

* A metal seed surface will rust depending on the type of metal used.

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6. User Opinions

People, who live in rural areas or more secluded surroundings, enjoy the benefits of a ground bird feeder more than urbanites. They do not have close neighbours and therefore are not bothered by pet owners’ cats stocking the wild birds they have attracted.

People who live in more remote areas also attract more of the gallinaceous birds such as those listed below. They love the added variety and interest these birds bring to their bird feeding efforts.

Many people love the easy viewing afforded by a ground bird feeder.

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7. List of Birds Attracted to This Feeder











Gallinaceous birds: (Birds that nest on the ground and fly short distances.)

Quail or Bobwhite




Wild Turkey

Prairie Chicken

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