Dune Sunflower Helianthus debilis (Wildflower)
All Native, LLC
P O Box 1045
San Antonio, FL 33576-1045

Type of Plant: Herbaceous wildflower producing showy, bright, yellow, daisy-like flowers. Spread by self-sown seed or thing, underground stems. Spread of 2-6’.
Habitat: Coastal dunes.
Distribution: Florida’s east coast. Zones 8 to 10.
Landscape Use: Mixed wildflower beds, borders along walkways, or sunny butterfly gardens. Makes an excellent roadside wildflower in Central and Southern Florida.
Wildlife Benefit: Attracts butterflies.
Soil: Well-drained soils are best.
Light: Full sun to light shade.
Water: Best in well-drained situations.
Misc: Salt tolerant.

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