Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Wildflower Gardening
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
1000 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Phone: 718-623-7200
The mission of Brooklyn Botanic Garden is to serve all the people in its community and throughout the world by:
Displaying plants and practicing the high art of horticulture to provide a beautiful and hospitable setting for the delight and inspiration of the public.
Engaging in research in plant sciences to expand human knowledge of plants, and disseminating the results to science professionals and the general public.
Teaching children and adults about plants at a popular level, as well as making available instruction in the exacting skills required to grow plants and make beautiful gardens.
Reaching out to help the people of all our diverse urban neighborhoods to enhance the quality of their surroundings and their daily lives through the cultivation and enjoyment of plants.
Seeking actively to arouse public awareness of the fragility of our natural environment, both local and global, and providing information about ways to conserve and protect it.
Copyright © 2012 BBG
