American Red Elder, Scarlet Elder Sambucus pubens
Trees, Shrubs

Sun/Water Requirements:
Requires full sun.
Moderate watering requirements.

Climate / Hardiness Zones:
Zone 4 to Zone 6
Provider notes: "appears to like a coolor climate for best performance: have observed many times in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, near the summit of Clingman's Dome."

Range: Grows from 15' to 30'.
Rate: Relatively fast growth.
Provider notes: "Grows 12 to 25' high with a similar spread."

Colors: White
Season(s): Summer

Provider notes: "Actually quite respectable in flower. Yellowish white in May, borne in a 5" long panicle."

Color: Leaves are Dark_Green in the summer. Leaves are Yellow and Green in the fall.

Color: Red
Season(s): Summer
Provider notes: "red or scarlet drupe, ripening in late June into July; quite effective"

Landscape Value:
Can be used as a grouping plant.

Provider notes: "Handsome plant in fruit and certainly worth leaving if native."

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