Empire National Nursery, LLC
6778 McPherson Clay Road
Liberty, NC 27298
What can be more attractive in your yard or along a driveway than a clump of Birch trees? Few trees are more elegant than t READ MORE http://www.cdr3.com/birch/
The birches form a family with 6 genera and about 100 species that occur mostly throughout the cooler northern climates. Most are shrubs. In the U.P. there are four tree-sized species. They all hav READ MORE http://uptreeid.com/Species/Birch.htm
Birch trees come in many shapes and sizes, but they do share some common characteristics. Generally, birch trees are medium-sized trees growing to between 40 and 50 feet in height with the leaves tur READ MORE http://www.birch-tree.com/2-birch-tree.htm