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Plum Tree Brown Rot Disease


What causes peaches and plums to rot and turn brown just as they are ripening?

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Brown rot, caused by the fungus Monilinia fructicola, is a devastating disease of peach, nectarine, plum, and cherry. In warm, humid, disease-favorable weather, brown rot disease can destroy a fruit c READ MORE

Brown Rot of Dried Plum in California: New Insights on an Old Disease

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Brown Rot of Dried Plum in California: New Insights on an Old Disease Themis J. Michailides Yong Luo Zhonghua Ma David P. Morgan Department of Plant Pathology, University of California Davis, READ MORE

Brown Rot Monilinia fructicola

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Brown rot is one of the most important diseases of plums in the mid-Atlantic region. Field losses of European and Japanese plums can be extensive if conditions favorable for disease development occur READ MORE
Plum Tree Brown Rot Disease
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