Wildlife - Shrubs
Purdue Agriculture
615 West State Street,
West Lafayette, IN 47907-4773 USA

Plant Establishment- Shrubs

Shrubs provide escape cover, nest sites for many songbirds, and are an important food resource throughout the year. Select shrub species suited to your soil type that also provide food and nesting habitat for wildlife. The state nursery provides a selection of shrubs for this purpose. Placing one row of shrubs close to the stream helps stabilize the stream bank while providing a setback for the first row of trees. This is a concern to landowners along watercourses with heavy scour erosion. In these situations, trees that are set back from the stream edge are less likely to fall into the stream in later years; however, they are still close enough to provide shade to the stream. The minimum spacing for planting shrubs in 6' by 6'. Design plantings with irregular edges when possible. Before purchasing your seedlings, contact your county NRCS office or drainage board for any restrictions on tree or shrub plantings near regulated drains.

Contact Information

Phone: (765) 494-8470

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