What is Rose Stem Canker
Paul Shirville, Photo By: Irene Hannestad

I saw several lesions that had dried up and looked hollow. Above the lesion there was strong new growth. How do you get canker and what can you do about it? - Heide

This is definitely a symptom of Stem Canker, a fungal disease that can affect any part of the plant, but most commonly attacks stems and canes (hence, the name). The fungus enters through wounds caused by crossing canes, improper pruning, even deadheading. It is spread by water splashing on the plant from irrigation systems or rain.

Cankers come in three flavors. The pathogens scientific names are Coniothyrium wernsdorffiae, Cryptosporella umbrina, and Coniothrium fuckelii. C. wernsdorffiae is the most severe looking of the three. C. umbrina is the least noticeable. And your symptoms describe C. fuckelii.

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