Tray Bird Feeder
One of the first signs of spring is the sight and song of birds returning from warmer climates where they've wintered. A great way to welcome them back is to hang a tray feeder (a style many types of birds will eat from) filled with a mix of black oil sunflower seeds and millet.
1- by 3-inch (actual measurement is 3/4 by 2 1/2 inches) pine board, 4 feet long
Drill with 5/64- and 1/4-inch bits
5d galvanized box nails
10-inch square of aluminum screening (sold in most hardware stores)
Copper upholstery tacks
Pair of rawhide laces, each 36 inches long
Cut the pine board into two 10 1/2-inch lengths and two 9-inch lengths.
Stand the shorter pieces on end and set one of the longer pieces on top of them (like a table), so that the ends are flush, as shown.
Use the 5/64-inch bit to predrill holes, then nail the pieces together.
Flip over the assembly and nail the other long piece in place (again predrilling the holes) to form a square frame.
Tack the screen to the bottom edges of the frame, as shown, Finally, use the 1/4-inch bit to drill a pair of holes in 2 opposite sides.
Thread a lace through the holes in each side, knot the ends, and the feeder is ready to hang.

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