The pest control of the chestnut tree Leaf Spots
The chestnut tree’s most common disease is „leaf spot” (Mycosphaerella maculiformis) . Since the fungus’ summer conidium form is Cylindrosporium castaneaé, this disease has become known as cylindrosporium leaf spot disease in the academic literature. In Hungary, the occurance and biology of the pathogen was researched by Krenner (1944). The symptoms of the disease are usually appear in June as tiny white spots on the leaves, which increase in size and turn brown over time. The pathogens, which spend the winter in the white spots of the fallen leaves, re-infect the new leaves during spring time. By the end of the summer, the spots cover the entire leaf, which ultimately turns yellow. If the weather is rainy and humid, and there is great temperature fluctuation, the infection is followed by defoliage.In case of a dry and warm August, the infected leaves roll up, the arteries twist, and the dead leaves dry on the tree until defoliage.

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