Testing Soil pH - How to Test Your Garden Soil pH Level How to test your soil, and how to change the pH level
Testing soil pH (periodically) will help ensure that you're getting the healthiest and biggest yield of crops from your garden. Testing soil pH every three years is optimal in providing your plants an environment in which they are healthy and continue to produce high yields.

pH – How can two little letters (ok, one little letter and one big) be so important to a garden’s success? Everything (soil, food, even a person) has a pH level. pH is a measurement of how acidic an entity is. Conducting a soil pH test is the best way to find out how acidic your soil is.

Different types of plants have different requriements for their optimal pH level. For example, tomato plants prefer a soil pH level that's between 5.5 and 7.5. Lettuce prefers a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, but won't tolerate a pH over 7. By testing soil pH in each garden bed, you'll have the opportunity to provide your garden it's best opportunity for having successful growing conditions.

Note: the advice and information contained herein is based upon our experience and study. As with any advice, please apply at your own discretion.

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