Red Poppy (all red single) Papaver rhoeas (red)
About Red Poppy (all red single) (Papaver rhoeas (red))
Height: Under 2 ft.
Flower Color: Pure red
Plant Type: Annual. Lives just one year. Grows quickly, blooms heavily, dies with first frost. Can regrow following spring if seed falls on bare ground.
Flower Type: Poppy
Bloom Time: Early and mid-season
Is this wildflower invasive? No
Is this wildflower endangered? No
Is this wildflower edible? No
Is this wildflower medicinal? No
More about Red Poppy (all red single) (Papaver rhoeas (red)): This is the well-loved poppy of Flanders Fields. Also known as Corn Poppy and Flanders Poppy, this species is the symbol of the American Legion. It creates an absolute vision of beauty in full bloom when the lipstick red poppies carpet a whole field, nodding in the breeze. The most famous poem of World War I begins, “In Flanders Fields, the poppies blow, among the crosses row on row.” A great growth of this species after WWI finally ended, attached the lovely red flower to that war and its veterans forever. Today, red poppy is probably the world’s most popular wildflower, and is available in the pure red strain as described here or in the more popular mixed color form. See P. rhoeas, Red Poppy (red, pinks, doubles).

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