Pussy Willow Shrubs
Copyright © 2011 McGroarty Enterprises Inc.

I've you've never seen a Weeping Pussy Willow tree, you're in for a treat. These are very unique plants, and they are easy to grow from scratch. Rooting weeping pussy willows cuttings is pretty easy, and the rooted cuttings can be trained into interesting weeping trees.

Weeping Pussy Willow looks just like a regular Pussy Willow shrub, except the branches grow inverted. If you can find one of these interesting plants at a garden center, they are usually rather pricey. $50.00 to $100. Typically the weeping variety is grafted or budded onto an upright Willow stem, but what I do is take a cutting from the weeping pussy willow, root the cutting, then train my new plant to grow as a single stem tree, then once it's about 5 or 6 feet high I train it to develop a weeping head.

Copyright © 2011 McGroarty Enterprises Inc.
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