Orange Cosmos
Cosmos sulphureus

Click here to buy seeds of this species in sizes from 1/4 Lb. to Lb.

About Orange Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus)
Height: Up to 3 ft.
Flower Color: Yellow to Orange
Plant Type: Annual. Lives just one year. Grows quickly, blooms heavily, dies with first frost. Can regrow following spring if seed falls on bare ground.
Flower Type: Daisy-like
Bloom Time: Mid and late season
Is this wildflower invasive? No
Is this wildflower endangered? No
Is this wildflower edible? No
Is this wildflower medicinal? No

What is Orange Cosmos's native range?
Indigenous To: American Southwest and Mexico
Where Orange Cosmos is naturalized or can be grown
Regions: Native to desert areas, but can be grown successfully in all regions.
Zones: 3-10
How to grow Orange Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus)
Soil preference: Adaptable
Sun/Shade: Needs full sun.
Moisture Requirements: Average to Arid
Instructions: If you know the regular pink and white cosmos, treat this wildflower the same. It is one of the easiest of all to grow. Seed should be planted spring in the north, spring or fall in light-winter areas. (In the north, a late spring frost can kill your fall-planted cosmos seedlings.) Suphur cosmos (or Orange Cosmos) grows shorter than its more famous pink and white relative, with bushier plants. Bloom will begin in midsummer and continue until frost. This wildflower is one of the best for pressing. When weeding in spring, if you recognize ragweed, beware...the foliage of this species is almost identical.

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