How to Grow Zucchini - Gardening Challenges
Powdery mildew and bacterial wilt are common. To prevent this problem, try not to handle the fragile vines and leaves when they’re wet.

Another common problem with growing zucchini, is that you may have plenty of blooms, but no fruit. There are two primary reasons for this. First, you may not have enough pollinating insects in the area. There's been a steady decline of these beneficial insects due, largely attributed to pesticide use. So, you may have to do their job for them. It's a simple process. Just pick up a small artist's paint brush. Then, as if you were a bee, go from flower to flower, lightly brushing the inside of the bloom. Repeat this process until you start to see fruit form.

The second reason could be that your male and female blooms aren't available at the same time. All squash plants have male and female flowers. The female flowers are the ones with the miniature fruits at the base. If not fertilized, these fruits will shrivel up without ever developing into mature fruit. Male flowers are the ones with no fruit between the bloom and the plant. Basically, a flower on a stem. If this is what's occurring, there's not much you can do, but wait for the plant to develop further. As it grows, it will start to produce a larger quantiy of blooms, and you'll have a better chance of getting the right mix.

Pests that may enjoy your zucchini plants: aphids, pumpkin beetles

Gardening Tip for Growing Zucchini - Practice good vegetable gardening by rotating your crops within your garden space with each new season. This will prevent many plant diseases.

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