How To Kill Snails and Slugs - The Definitive Guide
Snails and slugs have been the bane of gardeners for generations. And while over time, many methods have been developed to control these slimy pests, some methods work better than others.

Our goal in creating this "Definitive Guide" was to show all the different ways how to kill snails and slugs, or simply control them, so you can choose which method, or combination of methods, will work best for you in your particular garden or situation.

The snail and slug control methods listed below are not in any particular order, but all of these methods are organic, execept one, (and you'll see its drawbacks when you read it). The basic fact is that all these methods work to varying degrees, and after reading this guide, slug and snail control will be much easier for you, and you'll be able to implement something quickly and easily, and you won't have any further problems. Won't it be nice to have healthy, uneaten plants once again!

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