How To Grow Hibiscus Flower Plants Without Any Problems?
Bud midge has a wide host range spanning at least six plant families and hibiscus flower plant is one of those. Blossom or bud midge maggots feed inside unopened flower buds, causing deformed, discolored buds and blossoms.

You may be aware that bud midge is an exotic pest that has found its way to Florida. It has been reported by many local hobby growers.

Bud drop on hibiscus

Bud drop on hibiscus is a very common problem that is often caused by tiny insects referred as blossom midges. Although there are no official recommendations for control of this pest, you can find a spray application of products containing imidacloprid which often control the midges adequately to allow blooming to resume.

You have to know that imidacloprid can lead to bud drop in hibiscus. Hence you should remember to remove and dispose of any dropped hibiscus flower buds since these midges pupate in the soil.

You will also observe that in some winters blooming resumes on hibiscus even without spraying, apparently because cooler temperatures slow down the development of the midges.

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