Honeylocust Diseases
by W.R. Jacobi1 (2/09)
Quick Facts...
Cankers and root collar rot are the major diseases of honey-locusts.
Canker disease symptoms include sunken, dead areas of bark; dieback; reduced foliage; yellow foliage; premature fall coloration; and early leaf drop.
To control canker diseases, prevent wounds and stress and promote of tree vigor.
Root collar rot symptoms include premature fall coloration and discolored bark and wood at the ground line.

Figure 1: Thyronectria canker with dark fruiting bodies of the fungus pushing through the bark.

Figure 2: Tubercularia canker with small fruiting bodies of the fungus located under a thin layer of bark.
Thyronectria canker, a disease that kills the living bark and outer wood of honeylocusts, is caused by the fungus Nectria austroamericana (Thyronectria austro-americana). Tubercularia canker is caused by the fungus Tubercularia ulmea. Root collar rot, a disease of the bark and outer wood on honeylocusts at the ground line, is caused by soil microorganisms. All ages and cultivars of honeylocust, including thornless and podless cultivars, are susceptible to cankers and collar rot.

©2012 Colorado State University Extension
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