Guignardia leaf blotch
Daniel H. Gillman, Plant Pathologist
UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery & Urban Forestry Program
Fall 2005

The fungus, Guignardia aesculi (sexual stage), initiates leaf infections in
early spring, while Phyllosticta sphaeropsoidea (asexual stage) perpetuates
infections during the remainder of the summer. Infections from both stages
combine to cause horsechestnut leaf blotch.
Host plants:
Guignardia leaf blotch infects several Aesculus species that grow east of the Great Plains including common (A.
hippocastanum), Japanese (A. turbinata), and red (Aesculus x carnea) horsechestnut, along with Ohio (A.
glabra), painted (A. sylvatica), bottlebrush (A. parviflora) and red (A. pavia) buckeye.

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