Flowering Dogwood
Among the early spring-flowering trees the dogwood, Cornus florida, is regarded by most North Carolinians as unrivaled in beauty. It grows 15 to 25 feet (may reach 30 to 40 feet in wooded areas) in height and is generally wider than tall. This deciduous ornamental tree offers landscape interest for all seasons, beginning with its floral display in late March that last 2 to 4 weeks followed by deep, green foliage held on layered branches in the summer. With fall comes a brilliant show of scarlet to reddish purple foliage and bright red fruit (drupes) borne in small clusters. The fruit often lasts into December or until it is devoured by birds. The interesting bark texture and branches help create an excellent winter silhouette.

© Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturalist Shoprights NC State University
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