Elm Tree Diseases Anthracnose
Anthracnose is a fungus that attacks elm trees. The disease will cause the defoliation of the elm tree. Damage usually occurs after cool, damp weather during bud break. One sign of Anthracnose is repeated early leaf loss which, if occurring several years in a row, will cause the elm tree to weaken and leave it susceptible to borer attacks and injury. Buds and twigs may die and premature leaf drop begins, which causes a decrease of shade and an unhealthy-looking tree. Preventative measures will reduce the chance of Anthracnose greatly. Rake up and burn infected leaves. Prune the tree and remove dead twigs and branches and burn them. Control Anthracnose by spraying a fungicide containing mancozeb at the budswell and over leaves twice during leaf expansion time. Follow instructions on the label. Stopping anthracnose is imperative as it is often fatal to the tree.

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