Deseases that can harm or kill your palm tree
Dedicated to Palm Tree & Sub-Tropicals Gardeners in cooler climates.

Diseases are often difficult to identify and it is common to mistake a nutrient deficiency as a symptom of a disease. Cycads are relatively free from diseases and are mainly susceptible to root rot if they are grown without good drainage. Those diseases that commonly affect palms are usually fungal or bacterial in type although viruses are also known. Diseases can be spread by soil insects and human contact and when they do occur it is important to burn any infected parts of the plant once removed and avoid replanting where a soil disease is known to be present. If potting soil used to raise seedlings is infected because the seedlings died from obvious signs of fungal attack wilt or rot, that soil should not be reused for a new batch of seedlings because it is likely that the disease will invade the new seed or plants.

The Polar Palm Palace
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