California Bluebell
Phacelia campanularia

Click here to buy seeds of this species in sizes from 1/4 Lb. to Lb.

About California Bluebell (Phacelia campanularia)
Height: Under 1 ft.
Flower Color: Deep inky blue
Plant Type: Annual. Lives just one year. Grows quickly, blooms heavily, dies with first frost. Can regrow following spring if seed falls on bare ground.
Flower Type: Small simple flowers
Bloom Time: Early season
Is this wildflower invasive? No
Is this wildflower endangered? No
Is this wildflower edible? No
Is this wildflower medicinal? No

What is California Bluebell's native range?
Indigenous To: Southwestern deserts of the US.
Where California Bluebell is naturalized or can be grown
Regions: Native to desert areas, but can be grown successfully in all regions.
Zones: 3-10
How to grow California Bluebell (Phacelia campanularia)
Soil preference: Like all desert species, prefers gritty, fast-draining conditions.
Sun/Shade: Needs full sun.
Moisture Requirements: Adaptable to even arid conditions.
Instructions: This native annual adds wonderful deep blue to early spring, and is very adaptable to conditions. Remember it is very short, and try to plant it where it can be seen during its early bloom. In most meadows, after bloom, it is quickly covered by taller growing species.

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