Armillaria Root Disease
Armillaria ostoyae (Romagnesi) Herink
(= Armillaria obscura Schaeff.:Fr.)

Basidiomycotina, Agaricales, Tricholomataceae

The term "Armillaria root disease" refers to a group of diseases caused by several related Armillaria species, sometimes known as the Armillaria root disease complex. In some older literature the name Armillaria mellea (Vahl:Fr) P. Kumm. was used in a broad sense for all species in the group. Recent research has clarified the taxonomy of the fungi involved, identifying those that are commonly found in B.C. In this treatment of Armillaria root disease, Armillaria ostoyae will be discussed separately from the other species found in the province as it has the greatest impact on the management of coniferous trees.

Armillaria ostoyae

Forestry Development
This site contains applications developed through a number of research partnerships.
It is hosted by Natural Resources Canada through the Pacific Forestry Centre
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