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Dogwood Anthracnose Disease


Dogwood Anthracnose Disease Discula destructiva

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Flowering and Pacific dogwoods (Cornus florida and C. nuttallii) are important components of the forest understory, as well as being valued for their natural beauty. Dogwood fruits are a valuable food READ MORE

Dogwood Anthracnose

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Plants Affected Dogwood anthracnose can affect all flowering dogwood species. The following list is presented in most susceptible to least susceptible: Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttalii), flowering do READ MORE

Dogwood Anthracnose

Votes:14 Comments:0
Paul Pecknold, Gail Ruhl, and Karen Rane Department of Botany & Plant Pathology, Purdue University Introduction Dogwood anthracnose is a potentially devastating fungal disease that has been inf READ MORE

Dogwood Anthracnose

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by Craig R. Hibben One of America's favorite native ornamentals has been under siege. A virulent fungal disease has cause dieback and mortality in two of our indigenous dogwoods, flowering dogwood READ MORE

How to Identify and Control Dogwood Anthracnose

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Dogwood anthracnose is a disease of flowering and Pacific dogwood (Cornus florida and C. nuttallii). Infection of Pacific dogwood has been reported from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia READ MORE
Dogwood Anthracnose Disease
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