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District of Columbia Landscape Design Schools


Landscape Design School Career Landscape Design Course - Masters-, Doctoral-, Gr...

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The George Washington University College of Professional Studies 805 21st St NW, Suite 301 Washington, DC 20052 PH: 202-994-2083 FAX: 202-994-7718 READ MORE
District of Columbia Landscape Design Schools: Landscape design schools in Washington, D.C. are for anyone interested in learning gardening and landscaping skills; landscape professionals seeking to upgrade their skills, anyone wanting to become a professional landscape designer, amateurs interested in the art of garden design, horticultural staff, nursery staff, or garden design writers. Learn fundamentals like starting and operating your own landscaping business, plants and plant health; pruning trees; growing flowers, hedges, and shrubs; and creating beautiful outdoor spaces. Before picking a school, do your research to find the one that is right for you.
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