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Companion Planting


Companion Planting: Basic Concepts & Resources

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Digital Price: Free Print Price $3.00 By George Kuepper & Mardi Dodson Published 2001 Updated 2009 © NCAT IP125 16 pages Introduction Companion planting is based on the idea that certa READ MORE

Companion Planting

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To become a successful organic gardener you need to promote vigorous health in your gardens using various methods; companion planting, composting, mulching, proper watering and using only organic subs READ MORE

Companion Planting Ecogardening Factsheet #10, Winter 1994

Votes:4 Comments:0
Most people think of plants as very passive organisms. They grow almost unperceptively, and only once a year do they flower or produce edible products. However, plants are very active in ways that are READ MORE

Companion Planting

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Many plants have natural substances in their roots, flowers, leaves etc. that can alternately repel (anti-feedants) and/or attract insects depending on your needs. In some situations they can also hel READ MORE

Companion Planting

Votes:27 Comments:0
Companion planting is based around the idea that certain plants can benefit others when planted next to, or close to one another. Companion planting exists to benefit certain plants by giving them READ MORE
Companion Planting
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